Bowery Boys New Amsterdam

Adventures in the Netherlands: Finding New York’s Dutch Roots

Announcing an epic new Bowery Boys podcast mini-series — The Bowery Boys Adventures in the Netherlands. Exploring the connections between New York City and that fascinating European country, in honor of the 400th anniversary of the first Dutch settlement in this region.


Simply put, you don’t get New York City as it is today without the Dutch who first settled here 400 years ago. The names of Staten Island, Greenwich Village and the Bronx actually come from the Dutch.

The names of places like Brooklyn and Harlem derive from actual Dutch cities and towns. 

Even our own podcast name — Bowery Boys — comes from the Dutch! (Bowery comes from the Dutch bouwerij for farm. Yes technically that makes us “farm boys.”)

Starting this Friday, and over the course of several weekly shows, we’ll dig deeper into the history of those Dutch settlements in New Amsterdam and New Netherland — from the first Walloon settlers in 1624 to the arrival of Peter Stuyvesant. 

But we’ll be telling that story not from New York, but from the other side of the Atlantic, in the Netherlands.

We’ll be walking the the streets of Amsterdam and other Dutch cities, searching for clues of America’s early history. And along the way we’ll be joined by acclaimed Dutch historians, journalists and tour guides. 

While much of our series was recorded in Amsterdam — tracing the paths of Henry Hudson, Peter Stuyvesant and the beginnings of the Dutch West India Company — we’ll also take the show on the road (or the canal, as it were) to Leiden, Utrecht, Haarlem and more.

That’s the Bowery Boys, Adventures in the Netherlands.

Coming soon. Subscribe to the Bowery Boys podcast so you don’t miss a show.  

And support the Bowery Boys on Patreon to listen to daily dispatches from our journey. And those are available now.

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